If you need another reason to love our great city, look no further than the City Council minutes! During a meeting in April, the Boise City Council committed to establishing community-wide use of 100 percent clean electricity throughout the city of Boise by 2035.
This commitment is part of a larger strategic initiative known as “Boise’s Energy Future.”
It has been a domino effect of good news for the environment, with the mayor setting a municipal government goal of 100 percent clean energy for city-owned buildings by 2030 at last year’s State of the City address. Additionally, Idaho Power has publicly set a goal of 100 percent clean energy system-wide by 2045.
With Boise being the first city in the state to set a goal like this, city leadership is paving the way for more even more innovative and impactful initiatives in the future and positioning Boise as a countrywide leader in such forward-thinking initiatives.
These changes will have positive benefits for the entire community and future homeowners for years to come by increasing affordability and access to clean energy for residents.
With the bustling local economy and growth of both commercial and residential developments, Boise is becoming a popular city to move to. If you’re considering making the move this way yourself, don’t wait! Contact us today to find out how we can make it possible through the home loan process.