This August, Boise’s Parks and Recreation department will begin construction on Phase 2 of the J.A. and Kathryn Albertson Family Foundation Boise Whitewater Park. Phase 1, a $3.4 million park with a single wave-shaping feature that varies in shape and difficulty, was completed in 2012 and has been popular with visitors since it first opened.
Boise’s Parks and Recreation department is keen on expanding the network of public amenities in that area along the Boise River with a unique aquatic complex that comprises Esther Simplot Park, Quinn’s Pond, Veterans Park Pond and the whitewater features, all free to the public. The entire project will cost $11 million. The J.A. and Kathryn Albertson Family Foundation will donate $4 million to the project, according to the Idaho Press.
Phase 2 will add a river bank for recreation and three more wave-shaping features for surfers and kayakers. It will start downriver from the first part of the park with an adjustable wave feature and two other waves created by rock formations across the length of the river.
Initial staging for construction will begin in August, and the water features are scheduled for completion in February. Park users will also be able to check the live video feed of the wave available any time on the city’s website. The park is set for completion in July 2019.
Boise’s Parks and Recreation department has worked hard to produce high-quality community programs. There are only a handful of cities in the entire nation that offer such an incredible array of public parks and open recreation space. Boise offers a myriad of parks with fulfilling outdoor experiences for adults, families, children, civic groups and educational institutions. This new whitewater park will surely become the city’s crown jewel, complementing an array of local parks that the community can enjoy for years to come!
There is no better time to buy property in Boise, Idaho. With new community resources and projects, like the whitewater park project, home values are likely to increase. There are many first-time home buyer options out there for homebuyers looking to own a home in Boise. There are also loan programs that offer little or no money down. Team Mandi loves helping people achieve the dream of homeownership – let us help you get your dream home in Boise.
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